Monday, May 30, 2011

A Grand Day In


Last week we celebrated my birthday and I cannot remember a better birthday. Much of it was spent gardening with my mum. We then went to see my pieces in the student show, and had a lovely lunch before she headed home.

After a little bit of knitting, my dearest husband arrived with flowers from some dear friends and a feast! He shucked raw clams and oysters, made bacon wrapped scallops with garlic broccolini on the side and even brought a piece of my favorite cheese-free veggie-loaded pizza for me to eat right away.

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful birthday wishes and love from near and far. Thank you for helping to make it such a lovely day. I'm still enjoying the beautiful flowers, made-for-me cards, inspiring book, big-girl trike, and even the sheets to use when I'm Away!

I feel so loved!


1 comment:

  1. Mooley,
    You are loved.
    A lot.
    So glad it's easy to feel.
    It's not always that way.
